Saturday 26 March 2011

Saturday 26th March Arrived Safely

We had a marvelous trip over to London.  Very straight forward and uncomplicated.  We are a wee tad weary but have just showered and are going to have a look around so we can get our body adjusted to London time.  Our hotel is right in trafalgar and we arrived when they were having a huge protest about the cuts to the public service.  So our taxi couldnt get us any where near the hotel so we had to walk, which was great as we had the opportunity to see hundreds of London Bobbies and a hell of a lot of people and Big Ben and walked across Westminister bridge where Big Ben and Parliment house is and along the Thames.  The taxi driver said that their were 1/2 million protesters, peacefully protesting i must say.  Dad, Grandma, Lorraine, Dominic, Anna and Krissy could you all send me an email please as somehow we cant access our contacts and that way we will be able to have your addresses. We are now in London and are safe and sound.  Love to all

1 comment:

  1. How jealous are we. Hope you had wheels on the luggage!
