Tuesday 29 March 2011

Stroll in St James Park

Many people commute by bicycle a few wear helmets most dont. Approximately every second car is a taxi cab, nearly all of them black taxis.  Strolling along towards St James Park there is a convoy of cars, taxis and cyclists all inching their way slowly to their distinations as it is peak hour.  Tooting of horns occurs occaisonally but mostly it is very civilised.  We are moving more quickly than the traffic at this time of night.  The park is full of spring bulbs and the trees are laden with blossom.  As we move swiftly around the park we see red squirrells frolicking, very agile little creatures that dash up and down trees.  Some people are feeding the squirrels and pigeons.  One pigeon was so rotund that we didnt think it would be able to lift off the ground.  A duck was being raped by two drakes.  Games being played by groups of friends, people exercising and others just reading on park benches.  The end of a busy day for many no doubt, and the end of our fabulous visit to London city.   Tomorrow we pick up a car and head to Devon. 

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