Tuesday 22 March 2011

Wednesday 23 rd March - Survival Kit

Last night at the QVH the girls had a lovely spread for dinner.   Kaylene and I were given our survival kits, the photo above shows some of the contents.   They were amazing and Kathy didnt leave any stone unturned.  Some of the survival kit items have already been placed in the case.  Jo Armstrong did say that her survival kit did come in handy on her recent OBFAH.   I had great fun showing Edna and Ursula the contents of the survival kit especially the condom and how big it would enlarged to by placing it over the neck of the chamagne bottle ( they both professed to have not seeing one before - I wasnt convinced by this at all).  There were squeals of delight all around. Ursulas husband, Doug raised his eye brows as he often does when Urusla and I are running a muck.   I enjoy these two ladies company immensely, they bring me such joy, it is such a privledge to care for them.   My thoughts and prayers are with Edna today as she is under going tests. Enid was very interested in our itinary and said that she couldnt wait to talk travel with me on our return as she is a well travelled lady and has been to all of the places that we are going.   I am very blessed to work at a facility where i thoroughly enjoy my work and the company of both the residents and fellow staff members.  Never a day goes by without me having a great laugh with both residents and staff.  But no more work for 10 weeks. OMG Bring it on.

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