Monday 21 March 2011

Tuesday 22nd March

Yesterday i had the task of itemising all the contents of cases.  I had asked Spock to do it on the week end whilst i was at work.  But when i realised that he hadnt noted a $200 bottle of perfume, i thought that it was a job that i really needed to do.  Poor old Spock's excuse was that he didnt want to go through all my personal toilteries.   Well us women have no problem with rummaging through everyones gear and so I set to work itemising it all.  2 hours later mission accomplished. Brands, sizes, etc etc noted.  Pleased as punch.

  Last night I went out with the girls from work for a lovely dinner to celebrate Tan keal and my 50th birthday and to catch up with dear kerril Grun whom we all used to work with.  It was a fantastic night of fun and frivolity.  Tan Keal and i trained together at St John's hospital some 31 years ago and we have been working together again for the past 5 years, it is truely a joy to work along side her and have our  friendship reignited.   Our birthdays are a day apart mine on the 27th and Tan's 28th.  Dear Kath Jones made us this wonderful cake, a cake of cardboard but decorated so expertly, so for dessert we were all treated to a strawberry with a touch of cream on the end of the cake knife.   Kath is a legend with her cakes, they are either made of foam or cardboard.!!!!  

Then Kath came out with a survival kit for me, well what a treat this was, it contained every thing but our tickets.  Urinal, bedpan, walking stick, vomit bag, sewing kits, panadol, laxatives, toilet paper, notebook and much much more, you name it and it was in this kit.   This was great fun.

Of course i should have stopped drinking when i went home, but no of course that wasnt on the agenda when Sal came home with me...oh course it wasnt.  So Sal and i got stuck into a bottle of whisky and needless to say there isnt much left of Krissy's birthday Jamesion whisky!!!!  So i was feeling very ordinary this morning......very ordinary indeed.   But off to work i go for my last shift at the QVH.   I will miss my dear friends there.  I went to the pub to buy 4 bottles of wine, so that my little card group on a Tuesday night can continue to have their glass of wine whilst i am away.  I usually raid the bar for a drink of wine for them each, but I couldnt ask my replacement to get up to the antics that i do.  


  1. Great to see OBFEA up and running. It's already a good read and you haven't stepped foot on a tarmac yet! Look forward to tales of walks, wines and windows of the stained glass variety and of course lots of trains, planes and automobiles.

  2. wel,you should be on the plane by now.Have a good trip.Riny.And I am tryingn all this out.

  3. Hope you have a great flight,and a great holiday, Talked to Jo tonight and she set me straight on how to get in contact with you LOL
