Tuesday 15 March 2011

Tuesday 15th March

OBFEV – Our big fat European vacation

Tuesday 15th March
The count down to this adventure started some 5 years ago, as our friends and family members embarked on their holidays overseas.  We decided that for us to do a trip of this magnitude that the kids had to be of an age where we they were independent and we wouldn’t be concerned about them.  Also the financial side was a huge consideration.  So we aimed for the big 50.  Both Spock and I turned 50 in the same year, that being 2011.  And here it is.  The decision was made that we would be out of the country for my 50th.  That being March 27, we leave March 25 in 10 days time.
It has been a big year to date.  A year of significant milestones.  Dad turned 80 and that indeed needed to be celebrated.  Dad then went to hospital for an operation on his rotacuff, which he sailed through.  Anna moved to Townsivlle to work and then we have just celebrated Kristian’s 21st birthday with a great BBQ,  some 10 days prior to his birthday.  And now with all that out of the way I feel like I can finally focus on the significant event that we are about to embark on.

Its hard to believe after all the planning that it is only 10 days away.  We have had a dummy run yesterday at packing our cases and it all seems to fit.   Spock has been fairly firm on the fact that he only wanted to take one case and one back pack, I was not so convinced that we could squeeze 9 weeks into the small space that I would be allocated.  So I gently pressured Spock into another case, he reluctantly ordered another case to match our original purchase.   When it arrived it was indeed a small case, nothing much bigger than a postage stamp.  It does however fit our down jackets, 2 pairs of shoes and a medications and will be carried on as hand luggage.  
Riny ran whilst we were having the dummy run and kindly suggested that we make a list of what we pack, thanks Riny a great suggestion which we will indeed do.   We have been given some great tips, from friends and family.  I think our very dear well travelled friends Lorraine and Todd have given us many valuable tips... plastic wine glasses, bottle openers- they do indeed know us well.   Clothes line etc etc. 
Spock has put months of planning into this trip and has all the itinerary’s set ready to give out to anyone who shows any hint of interest. Sister Watts from work has been asking me daily for one and so when I came home from work last night I put one immediately into my pack to give to her.  I know that I will miss my dear friends from work, I do enjoy their company immensely.
Today I had my flu injection and now my arm is feeling a wee tad tender, but that is also ticked off the list.  All my medical stuff is attended to, now only Spock has to have his flu injection. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lee how is it all going, hope all is well, still waiting to her how Edna's results went. As soon as I here something I will let you know, Cheers Denise.
