Friday 15 April 2011

A brilliant day

Thursday 14th April
Great news mum and dad have sold their house and settlement day is the 30th May, maybe those prayers at St Mary’s cathedral were fruitful, whatever we are thrilled for them. 
Today we started off on our trip to the Ring of Kerry and what a scenic drive this proved to be.  It was about 180 kms with dramatic scenery, coastlines, colourful towns and villages with some ancient archaeological remains. The views on the ring of Kerry were so good that you really wanted to look at both sides of the road at  the same time, our heads were swiveling continually.  I thought that the coast line on the Dingle peninsula were unsurpassable but I think Kerry did that today.  The ring of Kerry combined jaw dropping coast scenery with more mundane stretches of land that’s simply emerald green and sort of blissful.  The road winds past pristine beaches, the island dotted Atlantic, medieval ruins, mountains and lakes, it was all stunning especially on such a grand day.    I think we have found a place in Ireland that we could quiet cheerfully move too, without any hesitation, we loved it.  I would have liked to have driven it again so I was sure not to miss one bit of it, but thought that maybe a big ask on Spock!!!   
Adare Cottage on the way to Ring of Kerry

Ring of Kerry

The Irish talk back radio is hilarious and we are constantly giggling about the things that they ring in about and the compere is a real hoot.    Mrs Brown and here boys are going to be coming to do a live show in Ireland, I love Mrs Brown but we will have moved on when they are here…shame.
After the Ring of Kerry we went to Blarney Castle to kiss the blarney stone.  The stone is on the top of the 15th century castle, reached by a fairly steep spiral staircase.  To kiss the stone you have to bend over backwards  (not a good look) , over quiet a long drop but there is a safety rail and a not so cheerful attendant to prevent any form of tragedy.  The custom of kissing the stone supposedly gives one the gift of the gab.   Blarney’s association with smooth talking goes back a long time.  Queen Elizabeth I is said to have invented the term ‘to talk blarney’ out of exasperation with Lord Blarney’s ability to talk endlessly without ever actually agreeing to her demands.
From Blarney Castle we headed for Jameson’s distillery, which was great.  We are both now converts to Irish whisky, we had a great time at the distillery, the tour was very interesting and the whiskey tasting was grand.  It was a real craic. I wonder how long the whiskey we brought will last?
Jamesons distillery

After the distillery we muddled our way to Kinsale for the night, Sheila was not in the mood for our games.  Kinsale is a great little spot.  In fact it is quiet stunning.  We have been in Ireland now for a good week and have only had ½ day of soft rain, we are feeling rather blessed. 

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