Tuesday 19 April 2011

Last day in Ireland

Tuesday 19th April
Our last day in Ireland, and what a stunning day it was in the weather. 
I gave Spock a clean chux for his last day in Ireland!!  Instead of hankies I packed chux as hankies  are not the most pleasant things to rinse out at night, but chux are ever so slightly better!!!  I have never been good with snot or sputum.  This morning Spock diligently packed up a couple more boxes to send home and then we went down to the post office and mailed them off. 
We jumped on the bus and headed into the city.  The natural History museum was on the agenda for today.  The locals refer to the Natural Museum as the Dead Zoo.  It displays Irish animals,  stuffed and mounted mammals, birds, fish and insects and other animals native to or found in Ireland.  There was another floor which had mammals from around the world.  It was a grand display and we had a fabulous time looking through it.  Of course it was rather busy being the Irish school holidays, but it is always great to see children enjoying such displays.  I do love to see the kiddies. 
Spock at the Dead Zoo
Oscar Wilde and Spock

Top priority today was to get Spock some joggers, with the warmer weather than expected he was keen to get a lighter pair of shoes and lighter socks.  Well this proved to be a bit of an ordeal; it would appear that the leprechaun’s only have very small feet and not the size 12’s that we were endeavouring to find.   5 stores later we finally had some joy.
After the shoe find,  we stumbled across Bewley’s, a place that Joy had recommended for us to have a coffee.  So in we go and sit down and have a lovely coffee and a ciabatta roll toasted with ham and orange cheese, which we thought was grated carrot until we started munching upon it, but what amused us was that it was served with potato crisps in the middle of the plate, a quiet novel idea.  
We decided to jump on the hop on hop off bus and have a final look around.  It was there that we saw the Rotunda, which is a women’s hospital that we heard about on the talk back radio.  A lady rang up to tell Colin, the amusing compere about her delivery.  It was a real craic of a story and we giggled about it for ages. 
At dinner this evening we had a few pints and a dram of whisky and reminisced about the grand time that we have had in Ireland.  The warmer temperatures, flower-filled scenery, and longer days have combined to make wonderful circumstances for touring around this wonderful country. The trees have all begun to leaf up and are looking absolutely glorious.  The places we have visited have been amazing and the people have been so very friendly.  Ireland has been a great success and the weather has been excellent.    You know the Irish love to talk about the weather and I guess we Tasmanians do also.

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