Friday 22 April 2011


Friday 22nd April
An early start was required this morning as we were taking a bus tour to Bruges.  After a few hiccoughs with the pick up we were on the bus to Bruges.  What I saw of the countryside was beautiful, I did close my eyes for a good part of the 4 hour journey. I might add that this is the very first time that I have slept whilst on the road in the last month, which is nothing more than a miracle, as I have the tendency to drop off to sleep very quickly if I am not at the wheel. 
We went past the Stade de France, the stadium that was built for the world cup.  The French are very pleased with this stadium as nearly everyone we have spoken to mentions that we must see it.  It isn’t as big as our MCG, but it would not be polite to tell the French that. 
There was field after field of cannola, which is a vivid yellow colour and it looks absolutely magnificent.  Everything is so lush and green.  Himself was studying the road closely ready for when we pick up the car. 
Cruise on the canal
The reason that we were keen to visit Bruges, was following our viewing of the In Bruges movie starring Colin Farrell.  We enjoyed the movie and thought that it would be an interesting place to visit.  It did not disappoint.  The day was fabulous, some 28 degrees.

In Bruges the town authorities have done the utmost to preserve the medieval-looking image of the city.  Of  course, not every stone in Bruges has come straight from the Middle Ages.  The 19th century neo-gothic style is present than one would think.  However, the combination of old, not so old and new is fascinating. There are picturesque market squares and dreamy canals.  It was a great day spent ambling around the little town and its shops, cruising on the canals and enjoying fine food and good Belgium ale. The ale, well that’s a story,  himself ordered two large glasses thinking that we would get a pint, my goodness they were nearly two barrels when they arrived.  I couldn’t even get through half a glass (poor effort I know).  I had the mussels as they are renown in Bruges and they were good, but abundant there must have been at least 3 dozen of them, and himself had rabbit Flemish style (in beer).  
Himself with a Belgium Ale

Notre Dame Cathedral in Bruges
 It was so nice to be in fresh lighter clothing, it was a grand day all round. 


  1. Happy Easter Lee & Spock. From Bruges to Bay Road; a preliminary tentative reconnaissance of the figs bodes well for stealthy late night luscious harvest in the not too distant future! It's your turn to salivate this year!

  2. I love Brugge.I used to shop ther as a teenager when I wante something a bit different.
