Wednesday 20 April 2011

HiHo - Off to gay Pari

Wednesday 20th April
It was a good thing that we arrived at the new Dublin international airport early this morning as we had a few hiccoughs.  The new airport is very impressive and runs very smoothly.  They are extremely security conscious.   Somehow we both forgot that the alcohol we were carrying on as hand luggage would not be allowed.  They asked us did we just want to hand it in.  That was not an option as it was a very expensive bottle of Jameson’s.  Oops, so we had to go back and get our small case checked back in.  Half way to down the escalator I realised that I had left my hand bag back at the scanner -   Oops number 2.  I went back and had to go through all the check in process once again, finally they called the Team Leader and she retrieved my bag, but of course it wasn’t without a hundred and one questions.  All was well.  Somewhat ruffled when I found Spock, he said “your going to have to go back again as we left the laptop there”, Oops 3.   It wouldn’t be polite for me to repeat what I said.  I thought himself had put it back in the back pack and himself thought herself had done it.  Oh well back herself goes again.  Finally sorted we go and have some breakfast.    
At Dublin airport, staff motor around inside on a segway’s, a very effective mode of transport.  I am very envious I would love to get on one and have a go. 
We have arrived in Paris and what a fabulous day it is.  In fact at 2100 it is still 24 degrees, fantastic.  It would be even better if we were more appropriately clad, but we will deal with that tomorrow.  The drive from CDG to our hotel was a bit hairy, even for Spock.  The driver was going 150kms (I could see that clearly from my seat) and he was a haemorrhoid on the car in front arse.  I closed my eyes and said a few prayers.  Poor Spock was sitting in the front and I think he is now having second thoughts about driving here in France. 
Our hotel is very centrally located, the positioning is fantastic.  So we dropped our gear and then, with map in hand we just walked and walked, we were absolutely gob smacked; it is what every one has been telling me and so much more, absolutely beautiful.  My god, I can’t believe that we are here in this amazing city.   We stopped in for a couple of cups of hot chocolate and 2 fanta’s and that was 25 euro, so it’s not at all cheap.

 The Louvre is stunning from the outside, sculptures merge with lawns, pools and fountains.  Being such a glorious day there were people sunning themselves on the lovely lawns.  Across from the Louvre crowds were gathering for Beyonce’s visit.  We ambled along side The Seine mesmerised by all the sights and sounds.   We gradually made our way back to the hotel and rested up for an hour before heading out to dinner.  After dinner we decided to walk some more, a lot more than we actually anticipated as we lost our bearings completely.  One could do a lot worse than being lost in Paris.


  1. Keen to hear how the Driving will go .On the wrong side of the road.Be careful

  2. What a great blog that one was. Himself, herself, the taxi, the Louvre, the lawns, the Seine, the hot chocolate. I wanna be there. NOW.
    I could just see you gliding around the corridors of QV on a buggy too. How cool would that be?
