Saturday 21 May 2011

New York to LA

Friday 20th May 
New York to LA
A quick trip back into Manhattan for a final catch up with Kaylene and Chris for lunch before we piano piano make our way via LA back home.  We have learnt not to go anywhere in NYC without a brollie.  But today we thought we were fairly safe without one, oh no, it starts to rain within 5 minutes of us stepping off the subway!!!  So yet another brollie was purchased off a street vendor. Puddles very quickly turn into lakes in NYC !  We go to lunch at a place called Dave’s famous ribs!!  It had a sign inside the door that says “Eat like a pig”, the meals were gigantic especially the plate that himself received.  I wouldn’t think it was at all the healthiest of choices but it sure was nice.  In fact we know it wasn’t as all the meals have their calorie content printed on the menu. 
  We have had a great time catching up with Kaylene and Chris in New York, it was really lovely to be able to spend this time with them.  We bid them farewell and safe travels for the remainder of their adventure and then head back to gather our belongings and head off to the airport.  
We have been very fortunate to have spent our week in NYC with Mick and Rita, himself’s brother and sister in law, who has been living in NYC for the past 4 years.  They have been so very welcoming and very generous to us during our stay and we have really enjoyed our visit with them.  
We piano piano make our way to the airport due to the heavy traffic. The streets of Manhattan are really quiet dirty we notice on the way out.  There is a lot of rubbish in the gutters and there are great mounds of rubbish bags packed up on the sidewalks.  The other problem that is worthy of note is the state of the roads.  The roads, even the main AutoRoute are not in a good shape.  I think this may be due to the fact that all the states are broke and there really isn’t any money left for road works. 
Oh dear, when we put our case on the scales.  OVERWEIGHT  the man cries, 29.4 kgs.  No allowance is made for the fact that we are sharing a case, we are amazed that we haven’t had this problem anywhere else.  We are advised to repack our case to redistribute the weight, by an obviously blind man, can he not see or understand that we only have the one case!!!   Never mind, it’s no great deal we are just somewhat perplexed, we cough up the money and continue on our way. 
We get into LA at about midnight.  Two nights and we will be on our way home and we are both feeling ready to go home now, we sure have had a wonderful holiday.

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