Monday 16 May 2011

Roma to New York

Saturday 14th May
Roma to New York
We had time to reflect on our trip to Italy as we make our way piano piano to New York.  Losing our luggage was no major hassle whilst on the tour, in fact it was very relaxing because we didn’t have to think each day of what to wear, we had no choice!  No one cares what you are wearing anyway, they are far too busy worrying about what you are thinking about them!!  An additional bonus was the short amount of time it took us to get ready each morning and our leisurely breakfasts!!  Perfect!
In any country one visits children always bring a lot of joy, but none more so than in Italy.  In the supermarket, workers slip off their chairs to come around and to get a proper look and ruffle the hair of the children and give sweets away rather liberally.  They like to be nice and cheerful, presumably this has to do with their yearnings for maternity. It is so very lovely to see.    We see a child with a caramel in his mouth and another clutched in his hand, whilst his father makes a feeble protest as he is given some more.  (I think he ended up with about four caramels).  The young babies become public property, they tweak their noses and pinch their cheeks, they kiss them and rub their knees to see how fat they are.  Clearly it is quite wonderful being an infant in Italy, so much so that one has to doubt that nothing will ever be quiet so good again.  When a baby is born in Italy a pink rosette for a bella bambina and a blue rosette for un maschio, is hung from the main door of the house so that passers by and friends will be informed without having to ask.  This is really very sweet to see.  However, most Italian families are now only having one child due to economic reasons.  This is a surprise to me. 
Security was tight at Fuminico airport as we expected. Much more so than we have experienced anywhere else on our travels, but we are destined for the USA. And one expects it.   Himself states that it was worse in Israel on his trip last year.
Our departure from Roma was seamless.  Our euro were exchanged for American dollars.  Bullisamo!  Si, we have spent far less than we anticipated in Europe and we have change!  Perhaps spending money for Tiffany’s with Kaylene???   Himself thinks not.    Allura
We were unable to secure exit seats for our flight from Roma to New York but himself did manage an aisle seat which he was more than happy with for the 9 ½ hour flight,  easy peasy.  That is, until the passenger seated in front of himself reclined her seat five minutes into the flight; which wedged his long legs into the back of her seat like rivets.   You have never seen a man reach for the call bell so quickly.  Panicked, he didn’t think that his call bell was working until I quietly pointed to the illuminated light positioned above his head.  Of course he couldn’t remove his eyes from his firmly riveted knees and the discomfort that he was experiencing.  A rather burly flight attendant walked by and turned off himself call bell, of course it had to be an accidental activation this early into the flight!  Himself quickly raised his hand to attract attention.  Himself’s discomfort was promptly dismissed by this burly man who stated that “she has every right to recline her seat”, as we acknowledged.  “But what about the problem of these legs”!!  I really thought that there could have been a scene erupt by himself as he contemplated being riveted to the back of the seat in front for 9 ½ hours, I could see that this was not going to be a comfortable journey for anyone in the near vicinity.   Luckily himself obtained the attention of another stewardess he was more sympathetic to his plight and moved him to a seat in the front centre near where they usually put baby carriages.  Himself jumped at this opportunity and I think everyone breathed a sigh of relief!!  
We arrived in New York in good time and Mick met us at the airport and we made our way back to Mick and Rita’s apartment, which is in a very beautiful position on Long Island, right on the river with absolutely stunning views.  It was so great to catch up and we went out for a lovely dinner.

1 comment:

  1. All your friends loved the drive to Roma and the Amalfi coast. We are in the back seat with you, even though you can't see us, I think a few of us were wishing we were on the balcony at breakfast time too. All is "piano, piano" here at QVH. Missing you......
