Thursday 19 May 2011

New York with Kaylene and Chris

Wednesday 18th May
New York with Kaylene and Chris
Off to central park this morning with Kaylene and Chris.  It was another overcast morning but perfect for a walk in the park. 

  Kaylene and Chris were keen to see the Bethesda Fountain. Rising from Bethesda Terrace is Angel of the Waters.  The statue references the Gospel of John, which describes an angel blessing the Pool of Bethesda and giving it healing powers. The fountain commemorates the Croton water system, which first brought fresh water to New York City in 1842. The angel carries a lily in her left hand - a symbol of the water's purity, very important to a city that had previously suffered from a devastating cholera epidemic before the system was established. All that aside, it is a very lovely fountain and we picked up a hot dog in the park, just like Elliot does on Law and Order!!  We looked for bodies as we walked through the park, just in case we had to call the NYPD, as i am quiet friendly with them now!!

We sat and admired the fountain and soaked up atmosphere of the park whilst people watching for a wee while.

We then made our way to the Rockefeller building to go to the Top of the Rock. AWESOME experience! You get a full 360 degree view of NYC! Even though it was a bit overcast we still got very good views, one can only imagine how spectacular the views must be on a clear day.   There are multiple floor levels to explore up top so the crowd is spread out. It is easy to get the exact picture spot you want even if you have to wait 1 minute. It was quiet mild.  The elevator ride is pretty awesome, too! The view towards Central Park and beyond was amazing. The view south was equally fine with a spectacular view of the Empire State Building. There were glass enclosed decks on several levels and a smaller level above without any glass. We spent time taking in the view of East River and Hudson with most of the bridges connecting Manhattan to the other boroughs. Line to get up to the observations decks was minimal.  Elevators to the observation decks were hi-speed with flashing lights that were rather cool.

On our descent from the Top of the Rock the cloud started to envelope us and by the time we were out it had commenced raining.  We had decided to make our way to Chinatown for a late lunch early dinner, so we headed for the subway in the rain.  By the time we got off the subway it was bucketing down.   The rain in NYC is very different to our rain and very heavy indeed.  It amazes us that the roads and gutters overflow very quickly and large puddles form very quickly.  That is why so many people in NYC wear gumboots.  The gumboots are really quiet fashionable, and obviously very practical. 
We quickly jumped numerous puddles; of course it was very easy for Himself to leap over the puddles but not so easy for the rest of us.  We thought that Chinatown was going to be very early into Canal street, but not so.  So it was a rather long trek down Canal Street in this pouring rain.  The first Chinese restaurant that we saw we jumped at.  It was a very authentic restaurant full of Chinese people but with very basic furnishings, but we had a very nice meal. 
We jumped back on the subway and made our way home after bidding a farewell to Kaylene and Chris, we have had a lovely three days in New York City with them.  Lovely company.  Tomorrow Kaylene and Chris are heading to Washington DC for the day.  We cant wait to see the photos.

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